Everything is accepted
The second example of what you may see from outside
January 15, 2003 at 10:08
Today, January 15, the German Minister of the Interior put Hizb-ut-tarir on the list of terrorist organisations forbidden in Germany after the organisation's spokesmen made "very strong" antisemitic statements in public in October 2002.
Hizb-ut-tarir is still not forbidden in Denmark, even though the case of death-threats to danish jews has been known and documented since spring 2002.
Today the danish newspaper Politiken has been accused to allow strongly antisemitic postings in one of its chatrooms during several days without involving the police (which it would be obliged to according to Danish Antiracial Law). The newspaper explained that these postings normally are removed immediately.
Danish employers accuse the social system of being lazy in the matter of sending refugees and immigrants to work. According to a spokesman of the employers' organisation, they "had lots of work", but apparently it has not a high priority in the system.
Immigrants have to follow governmental language schools. Approx. 30 % do not attend regularly. A spokeswoman of one of the big language schools said, that it is because "people are under big pressure". (If you work, you don't have to attend).
If your heart is filled use your brain
I found your blog via google by accident and have to admit that youve a really interesting blog :-)
Just saved your feed in my reader, have a nice day :)
Thanks, if just the Danes would wake from the coma ans SPEAK OUT
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